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Since 1968, we have been the leading karate school proudly offering the Philadelphia area unsurpassed quality.
Chief Instructor is Master Mastrando
Shin Karate Philadelphia emphasis on the philosophy of the martial arts means that you’ll develop strategies for bringing peace and tranquility into your life. Shin Karate Philadelphia instructors are acknowledged masters of the martial arts, and we have developed unique teaching methods that help our students accomplish their goals. We’re dedicated to ensuring client satisfaction and to providing attention to detail. We’ll periodically check with you to see that you’re happy with our services, and our hours of operation are flexible for your convenience.
Contributing to our community is key and to to do that we utilize our martial arts training and knowledge to help uplift and improve our communities through acts of Public Service (e.g our After School Pick up Program) and utilizing our mentor and Leadership skills at all times while enriching our students professional and personal lives.
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