
U.S. Taekwondo Academy

Achieve greatness at our martial arts school.

U.S. Taekwondo Academy aim to teach Martial Arts for Self-Defense and Self-Improvement. We are not a competition-based group. U.S. Taekwondo Academy classes are practical, progressive and fun. We are a politically-free, independent group and we welcome anybody that wants to train and learn with us. All we ask is that egos are left at the door!

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Chief instructor is Master CJ Chang

U.S. Taekwondo Academy are a family-owned and operated business. Harford County has been our home for over 30 years. U.S. Taekwondo Academy are committed to providing inspiring and empowering Martial Arts programs for kids and adults of all ages.


Q About School

On behalf of the students, staff & family members of the United States TaeKwonDo Academy, allow us to welcome you to our site. We take great pride in the accomplishments of our students and we hope that you will decide to expand your Martial Arts journey with us. The USTA met the approval of the World TaeKwonDo Federation located in Korea and it is authorized by the United States TaeKwonDo Federation. USTA holds the privilege of being the only Martial Arts school in the city of Richardson and the city of Allen authorized by the ISD to offer PE Credits for Jr. High and High school students attending up to 15 hours of TaeKwonDo Classes a week.

Q About Our Teachings

Unlike many martial artists who have only studied one discipline, Master Atoun and Master Alsharif are fortunate to have been exposed to a variety of styles and can offer an unbiased comparison. When people ask us why we teach various styles of Martial Arts, we answer, “Simply because, one style of martial arts does not work for all situations!’’. We offer a much more honest service by teaching skills that actually hold up under pressure, and we do it while sharing the physical fitness and positive character benefits for which martial arts training has become famous.

Q Our Mission

We aim to teach Martial Arts for Self-Defense and Self-Improvement. We are not a competition-based group. Our classes are practical, progressive and fun. We are a politically-free, independent group and we welcome anybody that wants to train and learn with us. All we ask is that egos are left at the door!


We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to grow into the best person that he/she can be. The United States Tae Kwon Do Academy can provide the perfect place for this growth, both for children and adults alike. To achieve this end, our staff is committed to providing a program that embodies the characteristics and values of a strong family: respect, compassion and gratitude.

We will accomplish this by being an example of excellence for our students, by continually improving our services and by measuring our success by our students’ success. Quite simply, when you succeed, we succeed!


SWAT Leadership Program
SWAT stands for Special Winning Attitude Team and is the U.S. Tae Kwon Do Academy’s leadership training program. The objective of this program is to prepare students to become outstanding martial arts’ instructors and leaders in other aspects of their lives. Leaders are victorious when they’re able to influence others and make a difference.

SWAT is a very special team. Members of SWAT must maintain themselves as excellent role models in their schools and homes and they must have positive attitudes and a strong desire to teach. SWAT members also attend monthly leadership classes.

Q About ARNIS Program

Arnis is a combination of several armed and unarmed martial arts techniques. Unlike other arts that get tougher to do as you get older, Arnis can be taught at a very early age as well as in the later years, even the late seventies. As long as you can move your hands and feet, you can learn the art and still defend yourself.

Arnis is an effective method of weapon and weaponless self-defense that utilizes hands and feet. It is also a method of maintaining strict physical and mental discipline, coordination and a way of strengthening the mind and body.

Modern Arnis incorporates empty hand translations based on the same path used in single stick solo baton and double sticks sinawali. It improves your power and speed by using your opponent’s flow of motion.

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